Revoking User Access to MobileCaddy

Occasionally you may want to target individual users(s) from installing, synchronising data back to the platform and upgrading their MobileCaddy mobile application(s). There are a number of approaches that can be taken here but these may have an affect or may not be able to be considered due to other ramifications.

By controlling access to the MobileCaddy package via a per user Permission Set this gives you the option to temporarily stop all data synchronisation from a specific user and, if needed, restore this access when appropriate with no long term effect on the Salesforce User’s local application.

WARNING – The following process will stop all data flow between users MobileCaddy Mobile Application and Salesforce. It will NOT revoke OAuth tokens or the token refresh cycle. This means that this process is reversible.


MobileCaddy is a managed package that is installed into a production or sandbox environment. The package contains amongst other things packaged objects and fields. A standard user (non System Administrator) is given access to these objects and fields via a packaged Permission Set called ‘MobileCaddy User (Generic)’. The users require this Permission Set (as well as potentially Mobile App specific permission sets) to be able to install, sync and update any MobileCaddy Mobile Application.

The reverse is true whereby if this Permission Set is removed then the ability to install, sync and update will be removed. Importantly this can be reversed by again adding the Permission Set to the user.

How To – Single User Method

Follow the steps below for each user you wish to remove access to the MobileCaddy package (and therefore their ability to install, sync and update any MobileCaddy application)

  1. Navigate to the Salesforce User
    Setup > Manage User > Users
    Locate and select the specific user record.
  2. Locate the related list ‘Permission Set Assignments’
  3. There maybe one or more Permission Sets assigned. Locate the ‘MobileCaddy User (Generic)’ from the list. There will be a ‘Del’ Action against each Permission Set. Go ahead and click the ‘Del’ action against the ‘MobileCaddy User (Generic)’ Permission Set. You will be presented with a confirmation popup. Confirm and then this Permission Set will be removed.
    NOTE – if there are no Permission Sets assigned either the Permission Set has already been removed OR your organisation has deviced to use Profile based access to the MobileCaddy package. If this is the case please contact to agree a custom process to revoke access.
  4. Access for the selected user to install, sync or upgrade any MobileCaddy Mobile Application is now barred (note access to Salesforce through the browser of other non MobileCaddy Mobile Applications will not be affected).
  5. To reverse this process locate the user again and follow the same steps but this time assign the Permission Set ‘MobileCaddy User (Generic)’.

How to – Multiple User Method

In this method we are going to locate the ‘Mobilecaddy User (Generic)’ Permission Set and remove access for multiple users

  1. Navigate to the list of Permission Sets
    Setup > Manage Users > Permission Set
  2. Locate and select the Permission Set ‘Mobilecaddy User (Generic)’
  3. Select all the Users you wish to remove access to MobileCaddy Mobile Application (using the checkbox against each user)
    NOTE – if you do not see your user(s) in this list the Permission Set has already been removed from the User(s) OR your organisation has deviced to use Profile based access to the MobileCaddy package. If this is the case please contact to agree a custom process to revoke access.
  4. You will be presented with a confirmation alert. Confirm.
  5. To reverse this process locate the Permission Set again but this time (without selecting any users) press the button ‘Add Assignments’, then select the users and then press the button ‘Assign’

Further Reading