Estimated time: 30 minutes
This guide covers the installation of the MobileCaddy package and the testing of one of our Seed Apps using the Platform Emulator. It also covers the setting up of a local development environment, running the same app in Codeflow (against SFDC).
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Note: you need to install MobileCaddy into a developer org (or drop us a line for Sandbox install). Click any of the steps for full instructions.
- Install the latest package into a dev org from this link
- Once the package is installed navigate to the ‘MobileCaddy’ application
- Enter the email you signed up to the beta (this will be the one your invite was sent to)
- Hit ‘Activate’ and then follow the 4 steps to install the two sets of MobileCaddy data, the seed app and the seed app data.
- You will now be redirected to your ‘Provisioning Record’ and can hit any of the Emulator buttons to see your new app working.
Success! (now continue with the guide to start adding more offline data, coding and deploying) Oh and just to boost our egos tweet us to tell us how you got on at @mobile_caddy
All the steps are fully explained below if you need extra guidance.
If you’d like to see a recording of these steps you can see these in a recording of one of the webinars we have run;