You can see which version of the MobileCaddy Utilities by opening up your project in your development editor and browsing the package.json file. This has a reference to “mc_utils_resource” with a version number associated with it.
You can find the latest version at on our release notes page.
If there is a later version than your current app is running it is recommended to upgrade as soon as possible.
Overview of process
- Prepare Platform
- Upgrade the Version used in your development environment
- Deploy to the Platform as a new Dynamic Version
- Run and test using the Platform Emulator
High Level Steps
Platform Preparation
- Create a new Dynamic Version of the Mobile Application (note – if this is the only the change you are making, ie you are not changing the Mobilised Data, then you only need to select ‘App Bundle’ change on during the Dynamic Version creation)
- Install the latest MC_Resource unmanaged package. See the Release Notes for install link.
- In your project directory update the following mobilecaddy-utils dependency with the following command
123$ npm update mobilecaddy-utils - Change the “mc_utils_resource” value in your package.json to reflect the new MC_Resource_XXX Static Resource that was installed in the Platform Preparation steps, above.
- Change the “version” value in your package.json to reflect the new Dynamic Version you created.
- Run the unit tests
123$ grunt karma - Deploy the new version of the Mobile Application to the platform.
- Navigate to your emulated Provisioning Record and run the ‘Platform Emulator’
This will test that everything has deployed correctly.
NOTE – You may need to change/update the Start Page URL used by this Dynamic Version. This should match the Visualforce Start Page that was created by the You can achieve this by viewing the Dynamic Version