This document describes how we import a new Mobile Application from a Sandbox into a Live Org or from one Sandbox to another (e.g. dev Sandbox to UAT Sandbox). Note that these instructions are based on Change Sets and hence are not applicable to Developer Edition Orgs.
Versions: Since package 1.0.30
In this article:
Step 1 – Mobile Application Import
- Check Inbound Change Set
- Installation of Change Set
Step 2 – Installation of Application
Step 3 – Dynamic Version Checks/Permission Set Creation
- Navigate to your Dynamic Version
- Check MetaData
- Create Permission Set
- Assign Custom Permissions
- Assign Standard Permissions
- Run Application
- Double Import
Step 1 – Mobile Application Import
Check Inbound Change Set
Figure 1 shows an example of a new application that is about to be installed. This must contain:
- Document: You exported application document.
- Document Digest: If you are using a later package you will also have a .dig (digest) document
- VisualForce pages: Your application page (here ExtSeedApp_001), application cache page (here ExtSeedAppCache_001) and the MobileCaddy recovery page.
- Static Resources: Your application bundle (here ExtSeedApp_001), MobileCaddy Utilities (here MC_Resource_v1_1_1), MockCordova3v1 and cordovaSF3v1.
- Your deployment set may additionally and optionally contain:
- General Salesforce configuration for your application, e.g. Objects, Fields etc
- Any custom code developed for your application. This may include any MobileCaddy Restriction Classes and test methods.
Installation of Change Set
- Click the Deploy button on your change set on the following page, as seen in Figure 2:
You will see the following on a successful install.
- Click the Deploy button on your change set on the following page, as seen in Figure 2:
Step 2 – Installation of Application
- To install the new application, click on the startup tab and click the Create/Install New Mobile Application button.
You will be presented with an input screen. Enter:
Input Name Description of Input Value Application Name This is a short description of your application. Description (Required field)
This is a description of your application.
Device App Name If you are using ‘Bizcaddy’ from either the Play Store or the Apple Store this would be ‘BIZ001’.If you are using ‘Fieldcaddy’ this would be ‘BIZ002’. If you are using a custom device application then this will be the app name written into that device app.
Set ‘User Provisioning’ The recommended value is ‘All Users’. Select the ‘OS Version Provisioning’. The recommended value is ‘Any OS Version’. Set the Template Type This will be ‘Seed Application’ for the import to detect the imported document. ‘Template’ picklist From the ‘Template’ picklist, choose the document that you imported previously. - Next click ‘Save’. You will be presented with a screen similar to the following.
- After a short time you will receive a screen indicating the application has been successfully installed together with an ‘Open Application’ button. Clicking this button will show the standard application screen.
Video: A successful application installation
Step 3 – Dynamic Version Checks / Permission Set Creation
Navigate to your Dynamic Version
- Select the ‘Mobile Application’ tab and click on the Mobile Application that you just installed.
- Once the Mobile Application detail is displayed, scroll down until you find the related list of Dynamic Versions.
- Click on the Dynamic Version name – the detail page will be displayed.
The buttons that we need to use are highlighted in the image.
- Select the ‘Mobile Application’ tab and click on the Mobile Application that you just installed.
Check MetaData
Create Permission Set
- The majority of MobileCaddy installations leverage Permission Sets to assign Application Permissions to users. Click the ‘Create/Update Permission Set’ button.
- Select ‘Create New Permission Set’ and complete the fields underneath. Click the ‘Create/Update Permission Set’ button when you are satisfied that the fields are complete. You will be taken to the standard permission set detail page.
- The majority of MobileCaddy installations leverage Permission Sets to assign Application Permissions to users. Click the ‘Create/Update Permission Set’ button.
Assign Custom Permissions
Assign Standard Permissions
- In addition to assigning the custom permission set (created and assigned above), users must have access to the standard MobileCaddy internal objects. This is achieved by assigning the user the MobileCaddy permission set. Go to the ‘Setup’ page and search for and select ‘Permission Sets’.
- Click on the ‘MobileCaddy User (Generic)’ link. Assign your MobileCaddy application users to this permission set in the same way as you did for the customer permission set above.
- In addition to assigning the custom permission set (created and assigned above), users must have access to the standard MobileCaddy internal objects. This is achieved by assigning the user the MobileCaddy permission set. Go to the ‘Setup’ page and search for and select ‘Permission Sets’.
Run Application
The application is now ready to be run up.
Double Import
One common error is for a user to install an application twice. This is not permitted. Once the application has been installed, you may add Dynamic Versions to it (see below) but you may not install the application twice. Attempting to will cause a failure which may be seen under Setup Apex Jobs.