Setting up your Development Environment

To make use of the MobileCaddy shell or seed applications to ease your development process then you will need to install a few tools first. The tools needed are;

  • npm
  • grunt-cli
  • ruby
  • sass

On a Mac


We recommend you head over to to see the best, most recent method of installing git.


There’s a Mac .pkg available for node, grab it from


This is installed using npm. The -g flag is used to install this globally for our user, this means we can use this outside of the scope of this project.


It’s best, we think, to follow the official guide at the Ruby site for install… so head over there now.


This can be installed using gem, which is available following the installation of ruby.


On Windows


We recommend you head over to to see the best, most recent method of installing git.

Note: be sure to check the “Use git from windows command prompt” option if you want to use the standard windows prompt.

Screenshot showing selection of git install option


There’s a windows installer available for node, grab it from


This is installed using npm. You can probably use the Node.Js command prompt from the start menu. The -g flag is used to install this globally for our user, this means we can use this outside of the scope of this project. Run the following from the command prompt;


It’s best, we think, to follow the official guide at the Ruby site for install… so head over there now. There is a handy RubyInstaller which is probably the easiest way to get it.

Remember to check the Add ruby to your PATH variable when installing.

Screenshot showing ruby install config check

Note: you may need to restart your command prompt before you can go onto using ruby to install sass.


This can be installed using gem, which is available following the installation of ruby.


On Linux


We recommend you head over to to see the best, most recent method of installing git.


There are several ways to install NPM and Node, so we recommend you head over to this page to choose the best for your setup.


This is installed using npm. The -g flag is used to install this globally for our user, this means we can use this outside of the scope of this project.


It’s best, we think, to follow the official guide at the Ruby site for install… so head over there now.


This can be installed using gem, which is available following the installation of ruby.