Today saw the push of the 1.0.0 release of our Seed and Shell apps, along with the 1.0.0 version of our Codeflow library.
Along with a few bug fixes and minor improvements comes the wonderful Codeflow Control Panel. This is an app that get’s bundled with the Codeflow development environment and can be used to interrogate the Salesforce mobile application that you’re building with MobileCaddy. The Codeflow Control Panel can be accessed on http://localhost:3030/codeflow/ and is automatically available after starting your application with mobilecaddy serve.
We should soon have a blog post out explaining more about the Codeflow Control Panel and it’s features.
It should be noted that the 1.0.0 release of the starter applications and the libraries also contain breaking changes if you’re running a Salesforce package of MobileCaddy that has a non mobilecaddy1 namespace. If you are running an old version then please update your package to take advantage of these new and improved assets… just follow this link
Full change information can be found in the relevant CHANGELOG files on our github repos.